presence over productivity


Reflecting on life a year ago:

home around the clock.

snoozing emails like nobody’s business.

turning off the alarm clock.

dance parties in the living room.

hammock naps.

holding joy and grief simultaneously.

finding out you can adopt signing papers at a fedex and even though it wasn’t what you expected, it’s the best day of your life.

driving Angel around for hours to get out of house and so he’d nap.

letting go of any idea or stigma around what I “should” or “shouldn’t” consume as Chef Matt was in full force.

realizing I had been unintentionally starving myself physically, emotionally, energetically for far too long to keep the machine that was me going.

that family, connection and gratitude for being here are what’s most important to me.

In summary:

Productivity : really low
Presence : high (even when it hurt)

Taking the lessons with me forever.


how human of me


meet our son