I’m Mary Beth. My friends call me MB.
I'm a yoga teacher, coach and writer.
I’m an Iowa girl living on a mountaintop in Colorado with my husband, son and our two bulldogs.
I’m the creator of Embodied by MB, embodiment based offerings which includes virtual yoga classes and an Embodied Membership, a slow flow teacher training, an online coaching program, retreats and more.
I love a good cup of coffee, fresh air and fresh flowers, road trips and Sunday mornings with my family. And all humans and things that are filled with soulfulness.
I am a Virgo sun, Leo rising and Libra moon. I don’t like labels but I do find that extroverted introvert describes me quite well. I refill my cup solo and often in nature or a cozy coffee shop. Connection, embodiment and soulfulness are my most important values and the way I design my life.
During my journey of teaching yoga for the past fifteen years, I’ve taught thousands of people at Wanderlust Festivals, been on the cover of Yoga Journal magazine, created a mentorship program for yoga teachers and am certified in life coaching from Martha Beck.
I’ve traveled the world teaching professional athletes as well as designing custom yoga programs for rehabilitation centers, homeless shelters and the Down Syndrome Association of Los Angeles. I've spoken about our foster adoption journey for HBO and Good Morning America and written about it for Yoga Journal.
I’ve taught at Kripalu, 1440 Multiversity and at dozens of Wanderlust Festivals. I’ve also offered yoga and coaching experiences for top brands such as Amazon, Nike, Adidas, Vital Proteins, Lexus, Merrill Lynch and more. I often contribute to Yoga Journal and other publications.
My first true experience of embodiment was my first yoga class in a rowhouse in Washington DC. I was experiencing major depression and anxiety and was charging headfirst through my life without truly pausing. That day, in a carpeted yoga space, I came home to myself. I didn’t have the vocabulary of embodiment but I knew something had shifted within me.
The work of embodiment, in its many endless forms, is my life’s work. Returning to the wisdom of the body gives us something the mind never can.
I want my students to have a an experience of themselves. The sensation of their breath moving in and out. The beating of their hearts. The sound of the music and breath during practice. And to take that practice of presence into every facet of their lives. To be able to account for what occured at the end of their day. The life they are creating, building, moment to moment. To be aware of choice, their thoughts and the artistry of their everyday life.