Where intention meets action
Where embodiment and accountability merge
Where you step into the most embodied version of yourself
A journalist friend told me a story from a Hollywood film star from the 1960s.
Every day he would head out with an index card with all of the places he had to be - auditions, meetings, fancy lunches. Clearly the days before the Smartphone. At the end of the day, he told my friend, all he really had to show for himself were these checked boxes.
He wasn’t really living. Just checking boxes.
I recall this story often to check in on how I am living.
Am I here in my life?
In my body?
Or am I just checking a hell of a lot of boxes?
I want to live in a way that honors the ebb and flow of my life and ever evolving self.
In the digital age we are constantly bombarded other people’s successes and “ah-ha moments” and people touting “the answer.”
It’s easy to get trapped in a cycle of looking outside of yourself. To stop trusting your intuition and wisdom and become obsessed with the “right” equation for living. I know because I have.
During these five weeks we will get clear on the promises we want to make to ourselves and what we want to fill our days with, as well as clear on what holds us back. In this group offering I want to see you and want to you to know you are seen. To walk this path side-by-side.
I created this offering because I’m passionate about living an embodied, satisfying life that reflects me and what I most need. And I want that for you.
Join Embodied, my signature group coaching offering and five week experience of deep work and embodiment anchored by accountability.
During this five week journey, we will explore embodiment, in all its forms, and how it shows up in our daily lives.
During this time we look at both the micro and the macro. How you are showing up in your day-to-day, how you string together your days moment-to-moment, and what you can account for at the end of the day. Then we zoom out to look at our vision - what we are here to create and uphold through our values and actions.
We get clear on what it is you most value and what you envision for yourself. We narrow down what stands in the way of showing up and keep the promises you are making to you. And then we get to work. And that’s what I’m here for.
While embodiment provides the foundation, accountability ensures follow-through. It’s the practice of keeping promises to yourself and others. Accountability bridges the gap between what you envision for yourself and the actions required to make it a reality. Without it, even the best intentions can remain unfulfilled.
I’ve learned that without commitment and action, even the most carefully crafted plans and values can remain stagnant. The price of not committing and staying stuck in a cycle of inaction was simply too steep. Through accountability, I’ve been able to breathe life into my goals and values, transforming them into tangible outcomes.
You are who you practice to be.
deeply present for direct experience
“I was deep in one of the most challenging times of my life when an email about Embodied showed up in my inbox. I thought, “No way, not now” but I signed up anyway. When it was time to dial in for the first call, I thought “No way, not now”. I dialed in anyway.
I was met with the sweetest wisdom, the most gentle reminders of who I am, sacred awakenings as to how I want to show up in this, often crazy world, and a community of women that felt almost immediately like home. Embodied returned me to myself. I will be forever grateful for this offering and will return to the work often.”
Weekly Calls
Five weeks of group coaching calls and discussion
Applicable Practices
Meditation, breath, somatic and other embodiment practices for you to use daily
Creative Inspiration + Embodied Worksheets
Readings, actionable tools and deep dives into designing a life you want to show up for as well as worksheets to dive in more deeply
Accountability through 1 x1 connection with me +
Embodied community
“MB cultivates a courageous space for every person to breathe and tend to the matters of the heart. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I was able to articulate how I wanted to live my life, identify the things that light me up and rejuvenate a sense of joy in how I live my life.
I needed to get clear on my priorities — not the checklist kind, the feel-good kind. The priorities I forget about but that actually matter the most. My heart and my soul were craving just this and I got just what I needed.”
2025 Dates Coming Soon
Yes, all of our sessions are held online and recorded if you can’t make it live. You can live anywhere in the world and attend this training.
All sessions are recorded, especially for for our friends across the pond.
Upon request. I never want money to be what holds you back so don’t be shy about reaching out to me.
No refunds upon commitment.