myself to be myself again
I saw the quote above in a newsletter from Kate Bone this past week and thought yep, that’s it.
Our son came home from his first day of art camp with a blank sheet of paper and marker and paint on every single finger nail. I saw all these kids carrying out their artwork and asked what happened. He said “I sat by someone who talked a lot.”
I just about fell over as I sure relate to that. Summer is a beautiful season and one I really look forward to. It’s also an extremely extroverted season here in my little mountain town. I love to soak it all up and wish I could bottle it for when spring (also known as “second winter” in our household) inevitably rolls through.
And this summer I’ve done a better job of pulling back. Taking time to read my book by the river, go on a solo hike, write under the aspens just like I promised myself I would. Time chasing my son on his bicycle and walking in the woods. Time sitting our deck as a family enjoying a meal hot off the grill and listening to song after song.
And just like the quote above, I feel myself returning.
While spring is a time of creation and planting seeds, summer is a time for slowing down and developing a sense of patience. To trust what we have planted and put into motion growing. To perhaps step back and allow that.
So see if you can drop the “shoulds” of what summer is supposed to look like. Maybe delete that list of 1,000 things to do this summer off your phone, even if you had the best of intention. Try embracing the pace, the whimsy, the energy of this season and to soak it up.
I’ll be right there with you doing the same.