check in questions

I need a perspective check often. To zoom out and take eagle eye view of what’s happening. And let’s be real, what stories I have made up and are definitely not happening.

Here’s a list that brings me back to earth. Allows me to see the bigger picture. I check in with it daily.

And this is some of the work we are diving into during our second week of my virtual Embodied immersion.

What have I been obsessing over?
Did I drink water?
Where is the moon today?
What day of my cycle is it?
Have I prayed?
Is there someone I could be of service to?
Did I future pace myself?
Am I seeing eagle eye view?
Have I eaten greens?
Have I moved?
How fast can I forgive myself for getting lost?
Have I put my phone down?

Added a couple of my lists from over the years and working on my newest iteration now.


you are under no obligation


on imposter syndrome