build your life around feelings you want to experience often
Build your life around feelings you want to experience often.
My friend Sarah shared these words the other day and I instantly wrote them down.
Those feelings for me, as of late anyway —
In the flow
Fully embodied
And these feelings don’t just fall out of the sky. They come from intentional effort and action.
I’m leaving to lead my retreat in a couple days and one thing I am so aware of as I leave my son, puppies, husband, daily life for a week, is what an opportunity this is to recalibrate. To see myself, my community, in different surroundings and with a different perspective. It’s so hard to leave. I’m really bad at it actually (as my friends all around the country know. Ha.) But fresh perspective, recalibration and some time away is a true gift. And pays back abundantly.
So whether that experience is on a mountaintop (as it often is) or a beach (as it will be in a few days), I’m building a life around feelings I want to experience often.