save the comfort zone for sunday nights
I wrote this a year ago and am sharing it again here. Sometimes we need to go back to our own writing, our own Self, to remember. I’ll be writing my way home this next month. ↓
I love my comfort zone. I often like to live there. Put up curtains, post up on the couch. I have sometimes spent a whole year there.
An astrologer friend once told me, in the midst of foster care chaos, that I am here to heal my addiction to certainty in this lifetime. I feel it.
Foster care started the schooling and I have to continue it. Nothing is guaranteed. Nothing is certain. And I am not entitled to any of it. 2020 has certainly shown me that again and again. (2021 as well…)
So when I get scared which I absolutely do, I remember that I never would have never met my son if I was staying stuck in my comfort zone. Or started businesses. Or spoke in front of thousands of people (definitely not.) Or said “I love you” when I wasn’t sure what I’d hear in return.
Note to Self:
Save the comfort zone for Sunday nights. Create the life you want now. Try something different. Have an adventure. Get your heart broken. Just keep going. Keeping saying yes to life.