Mary Beth LaRue

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we are not to be “summed” up

There’s the way I might try to sum myself up for these Instagram squares or the way I might craft a bio of some sort.

Mama. Virgo. Yoga teacher. Introvert. Wife. Iowan. Generator. Numero 9 on the Enneagram. Mom through foster care and adoption. Former editor. Former many things, actually. This certification, that certification.

I can go on and on. Labels on labels on labels. Blah, blah, blah. A tidy representation. Myself as palatable, understood. Mostly for me.

What I’m remembering is this though - I don’t get to take any of this with me when I go. No labels or dollar bills or even precious humans.

Those moments of connection, true connection, with eye contact and laughter and perhaps some energy around the heart, those moments are sacred. The moments under the Aspen trees, the moments staring into my son’s big brown eyes, the moments in my practice where I come back into touch with the sacred, moments with the windows down and my favorite song playing and a for a moment everything makes sense.

I want to remember that it’s all on loan.
I want to use up this already stretched out heart of mine.
I want to really, really be here.

“Instructions for living a life.
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.”
- Mary Oliver